Acetovinyl glue 250 gr – 30 pieces

Codice FBAV100250Gx30
COD FBAV100250Gx30 Categoria Tag , ,
Prodotto perfetto per Fabric – Upholstery, Leather – Footwear, Wood
Synthetic solvent adhesive capable of rapidly adhering a variety of materials. For everyday use by all upholsterers for anchoring fabrics and trimmings. Transparent and flexible, leaving no trace or unsightly thickness. Box of 30 pieces

Dettagli del prodotto, modalità di impiego e consigli d'uso

Pack 30 pieces acetovinyl glue AV10 250gr.Fast-setting acetovinyl glue also used for gluing ornamental parts, friezes, frames, in restoration and on glossy painted leather, leather, fabric, paper, cardboard, glass, wood, ceramics, etc. objects. It is applied through the cap-nozzle of the package. Simply spread a strand of adhesive on the paint-free surface to be bonded, couple and press evenly by hand as well. Complete adhesion occurs in 48 hours. Dry residue 37-40%.

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