Multipurpose vinyl glue PCV D2 20 kg

Codice PCV0020KS
COD PCV0020KS Categorie , Tag
Prodotto perfetto per Wood
PVA acetovinyl polymer-based adhesive, class D2, in aqueous dispersion with transparent adhesive line, excellent toughness, good open time and good setting speed for general uses.

Dettagli del prodotto, modalità di impiego e consigli d'uso

Multipurpose vinyl glue 20 kg. It is used in cold and hot gluing (not exceeding 60°), ultra-rapid gluing (3-5 minutes) of any type of wood fiberboard, plywood, honeycomb, blockboard, chipboard and wood derivatives, plastic laminates, and assembly in furniture assembly.
For best results, the room temperature should be no lower than 16 degrees.
STORAGE TIME: In tightly closed package, protected from frost for about 12 months.

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