Vinyl glue PL38 D3 5 kg

Codice PL38005KS
COD PL38005KS Categorie , Tag
Prodotto perfetto per Wood
It is an acetovinyl-based PVA resin in aqueous dispersion with adhesive line with high resistance to moisture, water and water vapor, class D3 according to DIN EN 204/205. It becomes Class D4 with the addition of catalyst.

Dettagli del prodotto, modalità di impiego e consigli d'uso

Outdoor vinyl glue PL38 5kg.Outdoor vinyl glue PL38 is used in the production of fixtures, cold and hot gluing (at +/- 60°) of plywood, honeycomb, blockboard, chipboard and wood derivatives, laminates, papers, and in the assembly of furniture intended for humid environments.Method of use:Application by roller, trowel, brush, pressure applicators. The amount of adhesive to be applied depends on the type of substrate and application conditions; indicatively, standard values are 150-300 g/m3.Recommendations for use:Room and material temperature 18-22 degrees. Relative humidity at room 65-75% wood moisture 8-12%.
Temperatures lower than those recommended severely increase setting times. Higher temperature and lower humidity severely reduce open time.

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