Vinyl glue PL39 D4 1 kg – 20 pieces

Codice PL39D4001KBx20
COD PL39D4001KBx20 Categorie , Tag
Prodotto perfetto per Wood
It is an acetovinyl-based PVA resin in water dispersion with adhesive line with high resistance to moisture, water and water vapor. Meets EN 205 class D4 and WATT 91 standards. Pack 20 pieces vinyl glue for exterior PL39 D4 1kg

Dettagli del prodotto, modalità di impiego e consigli d'uso

Pack 20 pieces Outdoor vinyl glue PL39 D4 1kg Outdoor vinyl glue PL39 D4 is used in the production of fixtures, cold and hot gluing of plywood, honeycomb, blockboard, chipboard and wood derivatives, laminates, papers, and in the assembly of furniture intended for humid environments. [vc_row][vc_column][mpc_accordion preset=”preset_0″ auto_close=”true” auto_indent=”” title_font_color=”#ffffff” title_font_transform=”uppercase” title_font_align=”left” title_background_color=”#047e84″ title_border_css=”border-width:0px;border-color:#888888;border-style:solid;” title_padding_css=”padding:10px;” title_margin_divider=”true” title_margin_css=”margin-bottom:2px;” hover_title_background_color=”#888888″ content_padding_divider=”true” content_padding_css=”padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;” border_divider=”true” border_css=”border-color:#f3f3f3;” mpc_icon__icon=”fa fa-plus” mpc_icon__icon_color=”#ffffff” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__border_divider=”true” mpc_icon__mpc_tooltip__padding_divider=”true”][mpc_accordion_tab title=”Method of use Application by roller, trowel, brush, pressure applicators. The amount of adhesive to be applied depends on the type of substrate and application conditions. Indicatively, standard values are 150-300 g/m3.[/vc_column_text][/mpc_accordion_tab][mpc_accordion_tab title=”Tips for use Ambient and material temperature 18-22 degrees. Ambient relative humidity 65-75% wood moisture 8-12%. Lower temperatures than recommended heavily increase setting time. Higher temperature and lower humidity heavily reduce open time.[/vc_column_text][/mpc_accordion_tab][/mpc_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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