PCVS D2 superior vinyl glue 30 kg

Codice PCVS030KS
COD PCVS030KS Categorie , Tag
Prodotto perfetto per Wood
It is a PVA acetovinyl-based, class D2, aqueous dispersion resin with transparent adhesive line, high toughness, long open time and excellent fast setting for bonding hard and resinous woods.

Dettagli del prodotto, modalità di impiego e consigli d'uso

Top vinyl glue 30 kg. It is used in the cold bonding of plywood, honeycomb, blockboard, chipboard and wood derivatives, and in furniture assembly where high permanence is required.
The product exceeds the tightness and CREEP values required for the production of chairs and tables.Method of use:Application by roller, trowel, brush, pressure applicators. The amount of adhesive to be applied depends on the type of substrate and application conditions. Indicative standard values are 100-250 g/m2.Recommendations for use:Room and material temperature 18-22 degrees. Relative humidity of the environment 65-75% wood humidity 8-12%. Temperatures lower than those recommended severely increase setting times. Higher temperature and lower humidity severely reduce open time.

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