PEC GROUP SRL is a young company but with a long history behind it.
In 2016, a visionary entrepreneur took over the historic brand, which has been on the market since 1959 and is well known nationally and internationally, expanding production and product range.
The 5,000-square-meter production area is located in Oppeano, in the province of Verona.
The company was founded, which operates in the field of processing polymers and synthetic resins, particularly in the preparation of adhesives, adhesives, water-based paints, and various chemicals for industrial and artisanal use.
The company PEC SNC PRODUCTS EMULSIONATED CHEMICALS is founded in Villafontana di Oppeano (VR).
The logo is a winking cat with the slogan “the glue with whiskers.”
In a 5,000-square-meter production site, the first 1,000-square-meter building for the production of vinyl glues is built.
The company evolves by introducing new products and becomes an LLC.
The company needs new space. A new 1,500-square-meter building is built next to the first building for the production of solvent adhesives with innovative equipment.
In August 2016, ownership changed and PEC GROUP SRL was established, which acquired the production business and all the know-how from PEC SRL PRODUCTS EMULSIONATED CHEMICALS.
The operation also makes it possible to resume production of solvent adhesives, which has been halted for a few years, and to consolidate production of vinyl adhesives.
An image makeover is needed. A process of restyling the logo and, consequently, the company’s entire visual identity is initiated.
In the midst of the pandemic, a new website is built, implementing it with e-commerce.
Due to extraordinary growth prospects, existing plants are being renovated and new ones are being installed for the production of innovative adhesives.
In 2024, the company proudly celebrates its 65th year in business, and to mark the occasion, a new e-commerce website is put online, designed to be even more functional, attractive, and informative than its predecessor.
The company was founded, which operates in the field of processing polymers and synthetic resins, particularly in the preparation of adhesives, adhesives, water-based paints, and various chemical products for industrial and artisanal use.
The company PEC SNC PRODUCTS EMULSIONATED CHEMICALS is founded in Villafontana di Oppeano (VR).
The logo is a winking cat with the slogan "the glue with whiskers."
On a 5,000-square-meter production site, the first 1,000-square-meter building for the production of vinyl glues is built.
The company evolves by introducing new products and becomes an LLC.
The company needs new space. A new 1,500-square-meter building is built next to the first building for the production of solvent adhesives with innovative equipment.
In August 2016, ownership changed and PEC GROUP SRL was established, which acquired the production business and all the know-how from PEC SRL PRODUCTS EMULSIONATED CHEMICALS.
The operation also makes it possible to resume production of solvent adhesives, which has been halted for a few years, and to consolidate production of vinyl adhesives.
An image makeover is needed. A process of restyling the logo and, consequently, the company's entire visual identity is initiated.
Due to extraordinary growth prospects, existing plants are being renovated and new ones are being installed for the production of innovative adhesives.
In 2024, the company proudly celebrates its 65th year in business, and to mark the occasion, a new e-commerce website is put online, designed to be even more functional, attractive, and informative than its predecessor.
Acquista i nostri prodotti e ricevili comodamente
Pagamenti facili con Paypal, carta di credito e bonifico
Spedizioni 48-72 ore con corriere in tutta Italia, esclusi giorni festivi. Per i tempi di consegna leggere attentamente i termini e le condizioni di vendita.
Assistenza tecnica in fase di acquisto e nel post-vendita
Confezioni ed etichette personalizzabili
© 2025 PEC GROUP SRL – All rights reserved | P. IVA 04433210236